Thursday, July 29, 2010

Soap Nuts...are they any good?

In my random online browsing I stumbled across "Soap Nuts" at and they have gotten me thinking.... at this point in life (with a 4month old in cloth nappies and going through countless bibs a day!) washing has become a major part of our day.I try to make eco-friendly choices when buying washing powder/detergent, but there don't seem to be a great deal of options on the market!Every time I scoop detergent ut of the box I wonder what chemicals are in it and what they could be doing to our skin and our earth!  As someone with sensitive skin and a young bub, I do choose "sensitive" options...but it still worries me!

So when I found these soap nuts I was intrigued...this is what they look like:

I have a few questions that I will be looking into...but would love to hear from anyone who uses SoapNuts.
* Do they get your clothes clean?
* Do they leave any residue?
* Do you think you save money?
* If you have sensitive skin how do you find them?
* If you wash cloth nappies how do you go?

Can't wait to hear more about this innovative product...

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